Finding Walter, by Ann Turner


Title: Finding Walter

Author: Ann Turner

Page Count: 161

Young Adult

Publisher: Bantam Doubleday Dell Books for Young Readers

Something strange happens when Emily and her sister Rose discover a dusty old dollhouse and long forgotten sleeping dolls in their grandmother’s attic. The dolls are delighted to be discovered. But Walter, the youngest boy doll, is missing. How can Walter’s doll family make the children know he is gone? Where can Walter be after all this time?
I found this book by accident actually. I went looking for another kind of book in the young adult section at my library and they didn’t have it so I decided to check out other books and that’s when I found this one. I read the back of the book and it sounded so cute. Just about every little girl dreams of having a doll house or has a doll house at sometime in their life that their parents have bought them or one that was handed down to them.  Every child has imagination and makes up what they want the dolls to say or do and so on. They play house and move the dolls around etc. Well in this book that is exactly that. Rose and Emily encounter. The doll house belonged to the young girls dad and his sister and it is all dusty because it has been in an attic for so many years.
The girls love their new doll house so much, well Emily more than Rose especially in the beginning. But what I loved so much about this book is that  the dolls come to life without really being noticed, they are noticed by the dreams the young girls have and by the young girls thoughts. Some of the girls actions like buying a dog or wanting to go to this place or that place is because they had the feeling they should be doing that because the dolls think of these things or talk to each other when the girls are sleeping or some where else in the house.  Like one of the dolls William wanted to go fishing and dreamed of catching his own fish, so Rose felt that he wanted to go so she went and found a stick and some string and she took him fishing and he caught his own fish. That is just one of the experiences that the girls have with the dolls, but there are many more, but what is missing is one very important doll named Walter. He went missing sometime after the girls daddy’s sister Alice moved. Throughout the girls experiences with the dolls and the dolls experiences of their new friends ( the girls)  the one thing that remains missing is Walter, they try and try to find him. But do they? Are they able to get him back? Well you must read the book and find out.

The Hit, by David Baldacci


Title: The Hit

Author: David Baldacci

Format: hardback book

Publisher: Grand Central Publishing

Page Count: 392

From David Baldacci #1 bestselling author and one of the world’s most popular, widely read storytellers–comes the most thrilling novel of the year. THE HIT , Will Robie is a master of killing. A highly skilled assassin, Robie is the man the U.S. government calls on to eliminate the worst of the worst-enemies of the state, monsters committed to harming untold numbers of innocent victims. No one else can match Robie’s talents as a hitman…no one, except Jessica Reel. A fellow assassin, equally professional and dangerous, Reel is every bit as lethal as Robie. And now, she’s gone rogue, turning her gun sights on other members of their agency. To stop one of their own, the government looks again to Will Robie. His mission: bring in Reel, dead or alive. Only a killer can catch another killer, they tell him. But as Robie pursues Reel, he quickly finds that there is more to her betrayal than meets the eye. Her attacks on the agency conceal a larger threat, a threat that could send shockwaves through the U.S. government and around the world.


This is my first book by David Baldacci, I am not real familiar with the author and have not read any of his books before. The book started off really neat because it started off with an assassination taking place, and then after that it became almost like a cat and mouse game. Reel was assassinating people and Robie was trying to catch here and as he tried she off assassinating someone else. The story revolves around two of the US government’s top assassins, Will Robie and Jessica Reel. It all starts when an assignment to assassinate a Middle Eastern politician ends in the death of the man who is supervising the entire operation. The suspected killer is the agency’s only woman assassin, Jessica Reel. The agency now considers her a rogue agent and a murderer. To find Reel, the agency ropes in its best operative, Will Robie.

Reel is aware that she is being hunted down and that she has very little time to complete the task she has set out for herself. She needs to make sure she takes care  of the people in her list, after she manages to target the agency’s number two, things are getting extremely difficult for her. Then, Robie finds out that tracking down Reel is not going to be easy. To make things more difficult, it seems the files the agency has given him are incomplete. He begins to feel that there is more to the case than meets the eye. As Will Robie is about to catch a break, the person he is meeting gets attacked and is shot before she could give him more information.

In a conversation Robie had with Tucker, Tucker said to Robie,” this country gave her the skills she’s now using against us,” that is pretty scary because its true the skills that all these FBI agents and federal employee’s are trained on how to take down necessary people, and to have them turn on their own muchless the country does not settle well with me, now I know this is just a book, but think about it. It could and might really happen.

I think that this is a book that anyone would enjoy! Especially anyone interested in CIA, FBI, federal governments, murder , and the list goes on. This was a good book but in all honesty it was long and took me longer to read then usual. It wasn’t bad, just long. I was disappointed that I didn’t finish fast because it is a book that I was drawn too. I did think this book was suspenseful in a way because each of the assassins is working on catching the other or on their own and then as you read further, there is a twist. Read it!!!

Paper Towns, by John Green


Title: Paper Towns

Author: John Green

Publisher: Penguin Group

Dutton Books

Page Count: 305

Young Adult novel

Quentin Jacobsen has spent a lifetime loving the magnificently adventurous Margo Roth Spiegelman from afar. So when she cracks open a window and climbs back into his life – dressed like a ninja and summoning him for an ingenious campaign of revenge – he follows.  After their all-nighter ends and a new day breaks, Q arrives at school to discover that Margo, always an enigma, has now become a mystery. But Q soon learns that there are clues – and they’re for him. Urged down a disconnected path, the closer Q gets, the less Q sees the girl he thought he knew.


I want to first talk about the actual book and title of the book itself before getting into the book itself. Paper Towns is written in parts which include chapters, until you get to part 3, part 3 is written as hours instead of chapters. Having books written this way is a unique way, I think.

In part one we are introduced to the characters, and then we follow Margo and Q on this road trip, an adventure together we see taking place almost right away. Of course that is after we meet all the characters. Anyway, the road trip is not just your regular road trip, it is an adventure that includes breaking and entering and revenge. Several times when reading about what they were doing and the places they went, I  thought to myself how cool it would be to be on a road trip with them . If I was younger I may be all into it but for them it seemed like a lot of fun. Their road trip wasn’t just your average road trip doing crazy stuff, it was a road trip for revenge. The journey is not what I thought, it was not a fun adventure of breaking and entering, and pranks there was more to it that Q did not realize right away.

In part 2, after the road trip with Margo , something happens, that takes the readers on another journey , but this time its a journey with Q to try and  figure out what has happened to Margo, and why? We see that Margo is missing but no one seems to be too concerned, everyone seems to think oh she will come back, she is okay etc, but Quinten thinks otherwise because there things that he has found out about Margo that lead him to believe that she may have killed herself. We get a chance to see just how good Miss Margo is at leaving clues on where she is going.  Q’s journey to find out what has happened to his friend Margo is really what this book is about. Several questions arise, did she kill herself? , where did she go? ,and why? Here in part 2, we see a major theme of this book. We see that everyone sees Margo differently. To Q, she is the girl he has loved all of this time. To Ben, she’s just a self-centered brat who is looking for attention. To her parents, she is the wayward child turned adult who isn’t their problem anymore. In a way I feel bad for Margo. No matter what though friends stick together, and we see that here, when Q’s friend take on the journey to find Margo with him. We also get to see what this Paper town is called! We journey to Agloe with Quinten and his friends. When I got to that part of the book I was like Finally, its about time.

Part 3 of Paper Towns is pretty good, it mainly focuses on the continuation and journey to find Margo. Quinten and his friends finally reach Agloe!!! finally!!!  I can’t say much more about this because then I will be spoiling it. The ending was good though just disappointing for me.


I wondered what a paper town and why the book is called Paper Towns. While reading part 1 of Paper Towns, I got an idea of what a paper town is, it is normally what we call a fake or made up area, fake streets, fake people etc. Paper towns in this novel is actually a metaphor, this so called paper town is an actual town, not a fake a one, but a real one that was created by map makers, kind of cool huh. I thought so.  A paper town is described in part 2 of this book, we see what exactly this paper town is, as well as what Margo meant by a paper town. Reading the meaning of how a paper town comes to exist and why its called that is awesome, I thought it was brilliant, and I actually learned something. I never knew such a thing existed and that these map makers ( cartographers) really exist. These map makers create fictional landmarks, streets and other things onto their maps. The everyday person, like myself would be oblivious to a paper town. Thanks John Green for explaining it to me in this book!

There so many things that made me laugh when reading this book, but the biggest one of all is Radar’s parents with their 2500 black santa’s who does. Haha who does that!!!!! Besides that hilarious part of the book, there were a few quotes that I just loved. Here they are:

  1. “The town was paper, but the memories were not”
  2. “It’s not my fault my parents own the worlds largest collection of black santa’s”.

As many of you can tell, I am a huge fan of John Green . This is the third book of his that I have read. I highly recommend everyone reading his books. They are awesomely written and brilliant. Each book has is written in a way that everyone can relate too in some way or another. They are full of adventure, lessons, and lessons we can all learn from. There is always something we can take away from when reading these books, I know I can! This is just such a good book.

Looking for Alaska, by John Green


Title: Looking for Alaska

Author: John Green

Paperback book

Page count: 221

Publisher: The Penguin Group

Miles “Pudge” Halter is abandoning his safe-okay, boring-life. Fascinated by the last words of famous people, Pudge leaves for boarding school to seek what a dying Rabelais called the “Great Perhaps.”

Pudge becomes encircled by friends whose lives are everything but safe and boring. Their nucleus is razor-sharp, sexy, and self-destructive Alaska, who has perfected the arts of pranking and evading school rules. Pudge falls impossibly in love. When tragedy strikes the close-knit group, it is only in coming face-to-face with death that Pudge discovers the value of living and loving unconditionally.


When I read the title of this book, looking for Alaska, I was curious as to what kind of book this was, is it someone on some trip to look for Alaska, did it have to do with Alaska or what? When really it kind of did, it had to do with a girl who we meet and know and her name is Alaska. I have to say excellent title for a book John Green. Definitely got me curious so I had to read the summary on what it was about and then I was hooked. I was already hooked on the author John Green so I was sure I would be hooked on this book as well, which in a way I kind of was.

Looking for Alaska was a good book, but for some reason I could not get into like I did with, The Fault in Our Stars, with that book I could not put it down, I think I read it in about 3 days this one was a lot longer.  I was just a little disappointed that I could not get into like the other, but by the time I got half way into reading it I have to say all that changed. I loved the book. It is an excellent book about love, life, death and the process of realizing what pain and suffering are. Miles Halter is a young boy who is incredibly in love with Alaska Young, a rebellious and mysterious girl who likes books and poetry, finds himself questioning many of his beliefs when tragedy strikes. I love how John Green did a before and after for the book, which was awesome because he showed the characters how they were before and how they are after. I also loved how instead of chapters it went by days, for example 101 days before, then 2 days after etc. Very awesome in my opinion.

In the before section of the book, John Green gives his characters traits that some young people have , I am not talking about fourteen years olds or anything like that I am talking more like sixteen to  eighteen year olds. The characters we come to know drink, smoke, and have sex, college kind of things , but all their activities take place at a high school boarding school. Their habits are not all we learn about the, we also learn that they are not just friends, but a close knit group of friends who enjoy hanging out with each other, deal with relationships, attend class , have each others back, they are friends that love having fun, a partying and enjoy the pranking kind of life.

The after portion of the book is an eye opener, at least it was for me because I was not expecting what happened to have happened in that way. Miles, Chip, Takumi, and other characters ( their friends) are not seen they way they were in the before chapters of the book. So much has changed, they almost matured because of what has happened. We are hit with tragedy!  The after chapters I think really make the title of the book, Looking for Alaska. The characters, Chip and Miles struggle to come to terms with their loss and lose themselves in a  quest to find out what really happened to Alaska. Miles is focused on looking for Alaska, trying to tie up the loose ends of her death that are left behind.  Miles is looking for answers to the questions that I myself had when reading this section. Why was she leaving? Was her death truly an accident? What I see is dedicated friends that will do anything in their power to find out happened.

I think that this book is definitely a young adult book, because it deals with teens, drinking, smoking, and sex. Older individuals may not like it as much saying that a young adult book should not have all that kind of stuff in it. I however, am one of the ones that think it is good that John Green added it in his book, because so many young people do drink, have sex, and smoke. Its common, and with the before and after chapters of the book, I can see the results of these things. I feel that Looking for Alaska, is a book that everyone can learn from. This is a brilliant book!!!!

Th1rteen R3asons Why, by Jay Asher


Title: Th1rteen R3asons Why

Author: Jay Asher

Published by: Penguin Group

Hardback Book

Young Adult Book

Page Count: 288

Clay Jensen returns home from school to find a strange package with his name on it lying on his porch.  Inside he discovers several cassette tapes recorded by Hannah Baker-his classmate and crush-who committed suicide two weeks earlier.  Hannah’s voice tells him that there are thirteen reasons she decided to end her life.  Clay is one of them.  If he listens, he will find out why.  Clay spends the night crisscrossing his town with Hannah as his guide.  He becomes a first-hand witness to Hannah’s pain, and learns the truth about himself-a truth he never wanted to face.


This book was recommended to me by a friend of mine, she told me she loved this book and it was really great. I went to my library here in town and I picked it up. I read the inside cover on what the book was about so I knew it was about a young girl and suicide. I had a friend that committed suicide so it kind of hit home.   One thing I loved about this book is that instead of chapters, it goes by cassettes, which I think is neat. Most every book is goes by chapters and it was so different and very awesome.

The story begins by following, Clay Jensen. One day, he receives a mysterious package with no return address, a pack of mysterious tapes, he’s anxious to listen to them, and then he discovers that they are Hannah Baker’s detailed journey to her death. The last words that are spoken are ” I’m Sorry” which now gives me the chills.

Something that I think is interesting is that Hannah makes cassettes about who is to blame and why rather then the usual note, and there not suicide cassettes there more like stories of memories. Normally, or most commonly we see that people leave a suicide note where they say why there are doing it and who or what is to blame, but Hannah makes the cassettes. I don’t want to sound all matter of fact about it or whatever you would call it but I find it to be almost creative, interesting. I loved the idea of the tapes, how Hannah lived on through her tapes and how finally people would be getting some answers as to why she took her own life. I had to know who was the next one on the tapes and for which reason they were on that tape. Hannah explains what drove her to that point. Everyone who receives the tapes has to listen to what she is saying, because each one of them is in some way responsible for her committing suicide, while we read what is being heard by each person on the tapes, we also read the thoughts of one person, who is really like a narrator, tell us the readers  what drove her to do the unthinkable. We don’t always think our thoughts or actions are a big deal, when the smallest thing we do or say can just get on someone’s last nerve and they hit their breaking point. Something else that I really loved was that in the package of tapes is a map with stars and coordinates that tell where each thing happened. It is almost like we are on the a road trip traveling with Clay to the spots where each thing happened.

Hannah asks for help without truly asking someone for help, the signs are out there. As we read we see she drops a topic for discussion into a bag that holds possible discussions for a class. She writes down suicide, she tells the people that are listening to the tapes as well as us the readers that her writing down the word suicide isn’t out of the norm for her, she is used to writing it. She is in pain, she wants help. She even gave herself compliments in bags they had in the class to make her feel good, but even those were taken away by a cold hearted individual. Its a real shame when you cant even leave yourself notes to make you feel good. Even talking to a guidance counselor wasn’t helpful, he told her move on, and that’s all she needed to hear, like he didn’t even care to help. Some people may blame Hannah herself for all the things that went on, rumors, bullying etc. Some readers, may think Hannah is to blame because she put herself in the situations. I honestly don’t think she was completely to blame. Sure maybe a little. But I don’t think she is alone in everything that happened. I mostly blame the individuals that are on the tapes, but that’s just me.

While reading I made a list that I felt could cause anyone to feel insecure to the point of wanting to end their life, in this book it was a teenage girl named Hannah that had all kinds of things being said that made her loose it. The things that I felt drove her over the edge and would cause anyone to go over the edge are:

  • rumors being started about you
  • seeing your name on stupid list that goes around in class ( hot or not lists)- what is so special about stupid lists, I hate lists like the hot or not lists that exist.
  • pepping Tom- so terrible, especially for a young teenage girl. hearing the camera clicks, that can make you so uncomfortable, wandering if the pictures are going to be shown to everyone, being made fun of. oh the list goes on.

Bullies- kill, Words-scar, and Rumor-destroy!!!!!!!

Suicide is a very serious problem. People of all ages commit suicide because life is to hard, something tragic happened, being bullied, the list goes on. It is something that happens so often, so many people think about taking their own lives because, it is the easy way out, or to stop the hurt and pain. In some cases the questions we have for our departed are left unanswered, but in this book that is not the case.

My lasts thoughts and comments are that no one deserves to be bullied to death to where they die , where they choose to kill themselves. No one deserves to be told there ugly or fat and to go kill themselves. No one deserves that. I had a friend that committed suicide and it was difficult to deal with but I some how got through it. I was made fun of at times in middle school and in high school. In middle school, I remember bumping into a classmate of mine and he made a noise and his hands went up like he didn’t want me to touch or get near him, trust me I didn’t want too. I moved.  I remember when I was in high school a guy who was gay walking past me, well  one morning he past me he made a moo sound. It hurt but I ignored it, I was strong enough to ignore it and move on. I know I was not the hottie that every guy wanted to go out with, I wasn’t popular enough to hangout with all the popular girls and guys but I still had friends.  I didn’t let it get to me, some people aren’t that lucky and some people are so ugly that they just have to be MEAN. I hate people who make fun of people and hurt people to the point that they commit suicide.

This is a must read book!!!!! I think anyone and everyone of age needs to read this book! I recommend this book to everyone!!! Read it!!!

Gone Girl, By Gillian Flynn


Title: Gone Girl

Author Gillian Flynn

Published by: Crown Publishers

Format: hardback book

Page Count: 419

Marriage can be a real killer. One of the most critically acclaimed suspense writers of our time, New York Times bestseller Gillian Flynn, takes that statement to its darkest place in this unputdownable masterpiece about a marriage gone terribly, terribly wrong. As The Washington Post proclaimed, her work “draws you in and keeps you reading with the force of a pure but nasty addiction.” Gone Girl’s toxic mix of sharp-edged wit with deliciously chilling prose creates a nerve-fraying thriller that confounds you at every turn.

On a warm summer morning in North Carthage, Missouri, it is Nick and Amy’s fifth wedding anniversary. Presents are being wrapped and reservations are being made when Nick Dunne’s clever and beautiful wife disappears from their rented McMansion on the Mississippi River. Husband-of-the-Year Nick Dunne isn’t doing himself any favors with cringe-worthy daydreams about the slope and shape of his wife’s head, but hearing from Amy through flashbacks in her diary reveal the perky perfectionist could have put anyone dangerously on edge. Under mounting pressure from the police and the media—as well as Amy’s fiercely doting parents—the town golden boy parades an endless series of lies, deceits, and inappropriate behavior. Nick is oddly evasive, and he’s definitely bitter—but is he really a killer? As the cops close in, every couple in town is soon wondering how well they know the one that they love. With his twin sister Margo at his side, Nick stands by his innocence. Trouble is, if Nick didn’t do it, where is that beautiful wife? And what was left in that silvery gift box hidden in the back of her bedroom closet?


I have to start off by saying I wanted to read this book as soon as I saw it on the library homepage as a new book, but every time I tried to check it out it was checked out. So I waited and waited. Well finally it was available and I got it. I was really excited about getting it. I started reading and thought wow this is going to be a really awesome book, and it is.

Something I noticed in the very beginning of the book is the suspense. It is a nail biter, you are one the edge of the seat just about wandering what is going to happen next, you keep guessing, thinking, and wandering lol because right in the very beginning I would say within the first couple of chapters you have this idea and then after that you are thrown twist after twist. I like the guessing and the suspense that is what makes the book so good because you think you know but you don’t. This books deals with marriage, mistresses, parents, stalking, ex boyfriends, lies, alibi’s etc. So with that in mind you are in for a lot of drama a great great book.

It is a neat book because right away we are told about the married life between Nick and Amy, we are shown what happens right away, well almost right away and then we are told about the characters themselves. we get a sense of who they are, how they met etc through diary messages of Amy’s.   For me that was confusing and annoying in the beginning because the book starts off with Nick talking and then few pages later we read about a passage from Amy’s diary and then it back to Nick, then back to Amy, but that is done to get us to understand both point of views, and what is happening and has happened.  The relationship that Amy and Nick has is one that you would not have expected, well I did not. Also, what happens and how it is carried out is not what I saw coming either but that is what suspense is all about, it keeps you on edge. At time your like did Nick do it? No way, he could not have? Some one else did! No he did, lol back and forth throughout the majority of the book.  Then we see what has happened, finally!!! What a relief!! How far would you go to get away? What would you do to save and protect yourself from the lies? Do you agree with the actions of Amy and Nick? Answer these questions after you have read the book. Let’s just say I know what I would do!!!

I loved what the cover of the book looked like because it is a plain cover, black with red writing on it but towards the binding of the book is blond hair, possibly Amy’s blonde hair that Gillian Flynn wanted to add to give the book cover character which I think it did. Amy’s blonde hair is made to look like it is blowing in the wind. That is awesome, not many people consider a books cover but I do. I like to look at it and get a sense of what it is about before getting into.

Read this book! It is really good!!

The Fault In Our Stars, Book Review


Title: The Fault in Our Stars

Author: John Green

Published by: Dutton Books


Hardback Book

Young Adult Novel


Despite the tumor -shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon her diagnosis. But when a gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at the Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel’s story is about to be completely rewritten.



The book The Fault in Our Stars is an absolutely amazing books that I have ever read. It has to do with life and death but it is a book that makes you laugh, cry, smile, and worry all at the same time. It is a book that really makes you think about life and makes you feel grateful for the life that you have.  This is a book that leaves you speechless at times as well as in awe!!!This book is written very well and is a beautiful book! I love it!!!! This is my first novel written by John Green, I have never heard of him before. My friend told me about this book and I checked it out. The author, John Green is extraordinary, he writes in a way that us the readers can feel every emotion through every word that he writes.

My friend told me when I read this book to have tissues on hand because the water works would come, and she was not kidding. You need tissues when you read this book, because you will cry. But you will also smile and laugh at parts too because it is funny at times. I love this book. Like I said this is my first book that John Green has written and I have already researched his other books and plan on checking them out.

One of things that I loved so much about this book was that it had romance, a love story in it. Although it was sad it showed readers how two people can stick by one another even though one or both is sick, really sick with something as sick as cancer. Augustus aka Gus is an amazing boy in this book who I think is a perfect guy, he loves Hazel unconditionally. What is so great in my opinion is that Gus isn’t perfect, and does not make himself out to be, although he is no longer sick or fighting for his life, he still has him perfections that he deals with on a daily basis which we see in more than half of the book, later to see that is more imperfect then we are to believe, does his cancer return? Read the book and find out. Sick or not sick  he does something that I think is so romantic for Hazel which is that he makes it possible for her to go to Amsterdam and he tells her he loves her, he shares his one Wish with her, how romantic is that. John Green gets in A+ with this book because he knew how to show readers that just because you are sick or no someone that is that you can still do things you want to do, you can still fall in love and your loved ones will stand by your side.

This book ended different then how I thought it would, but that’s one of the neat things that I loved about this book, was that you think something is going to happen but there is a twist in the story. Don’t get me wrong it is still incredibly sad and makes you cry but the twist is not what you may expect. The book is mostly about Hazel and Augustus but there are so many other beautiful moments captured between Hazel and her parents, as well as Hazel and Isaac. After reading this book I can see why John Green and this book is a #1 New York Best Seller.

Book Review: The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty

The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty

Ann Rice writing as A.N Roquelaure

Published by: The Penguin Group

Format: Paper Back

Page Count: 253

In the Traditional folk tale of ” Sleeping Beauty,” the spell cast upon the lovely young princess and everyone in her castle can only be broken by the kiss of a Prince. It is an ancient story, one that originally emerged from and still deeply disturbs the mind’s unconscious. Now Ann Rice ‘s retelling of the Beauty story probes the unspoken implications of his lush, suggestive tale by exploring its undeniable connection to sexual desire.  Here the prince awakens Beauty, not with a kiss but with sexual intentions. His rewards for ending the hundred years of enchantment is Beauty’s complete and total enslavement o him… as Ann Rice explores the world of erotic yearning and fantasy in a classic that becomes , with her skillful pen, a compelling experience.

I was recommended this book by a very good friend of mine, she loves books and recommended a lot to me. I had told her that I was reading the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy and she told me that if I enjoyed those I would enjoy The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty. I went to the library and checked it out.

My initial reaction of the title and content was that this book was going to be very sexual, wow me, and shock the heck out of me and I could not have been more right, it is so descriptive and so sexual I could see right away that this book is extremely similar the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy.

This book has a lot of similarities with the Fifty Shades of Grey books: control, dominance, and more. Fifty Shades had Christan Grey do a lot of the same sexual acts to Annastaia and the Prince does to Beauty. The spanking for pleasure, saying yes sir or in this case Yes my Prince, or whatever pleases you prince, red marks, the biting of the lip which the prince adores, and in Fifty Shades of Grey Anastesia bites her lip and it turns Christan. I could go on and on about the similarities. I like how the books are somuch alike but at the same time its annoying to me because as I read The Claiming of Sleeping beauty its like I am reading Fifty Shades of Grey again just with different characters and different plot.

The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty is full of sex, torture, and humiliation. I like how the book is written but the torture and humiliation parts really got to me because I could not imagine anyone being treated that way. Having to eat like a dog or a cat at times, crawling on hands and knees to fetch supper, and being touched very sexual almost to the point that I would say being sexually abused,  that is just my opinion. However, the time period that this is to have taken place I guess it is normal to being tortured and humiliated like that.  There is a lot to be said about the nature of human relationships presented in this book.  There are those who need to control everything, and those who wish to submit.  There is a lot of interest with dom and sub type of books right now, and with that being said this book fits very well into it.

I think that this book is awesome, and extremely well written, its actually more then well written. I liked reading a book  like this because it had Princesses, Princes, Lords, Ladies, Queen’s and Kings. It was so neat too because when people think of sleeping beauty they see and remember the prince that woke up a princess with a kiss. But this, is way different. It is a must read because you get to see how everyone’s classes made them act the way they did.

Must Read, but be prepared for the sexual descriptions that are too come!!!!

Book Review: The Witness by Nora Roberts

Title: The Witness
Author: Nora Roberts
Publishing Company: Penguin Group
Page Count:488 pages
Format: hardback book

Daughter of a cold, controlling mother and an anonymous donor, studious, obedient Elizabeth finally let loose one night, drinking too much at a nightclub and allowing a strange man’s seductive Russian accent to lure her to a house on Lake Shore Drive. The events that followed changed her life forever.

Twelve years later, the woman known as Abigail Lowery lives alone on the outskirts of a small town in Ozarks. A freelance programmer, she works at home designing sophisticated security systems. Her own home security is supplemented by a fierce dog and an assortment of firearms. She keeps to herself, staying little, revealing nothing.

Unfortunately, that seems to be the quickest way to get attention in a tiny small town. The mystery of Abigail Lowery intrigues local police chief Brooks Gleason, on both a personal and professional level. Her sharp, logical mind, her secretive nature , her unromantic view points leave him fascinated but frustrated. He suspects that Abigail needs protection of something…..



I would like to first say that this book was not one of my first choices lol it was recommended to me by mother in law who loves reading Nora Roberts and who read so many of them already, she knew that I would love this book. I know Nora Roberts is one of New York’s best sellers but I also knew a lot of her books have to do with romance and I do not really get into romance books, so when I heard that The Witness had some mystery to it and not romance I wanted to check it out. So I went to the library here in town and checked I out. When I got it my first reaction was that this was a huge book. I thought to myself how on earth am I going to read all this by the time I need to check it back in.  I looked at the cover which in my opinion had nothing to do with a  witness or a mystery even though the title said it otherwise. The cover is of water, trees, and very pretty its very scenic.  I was thinking it would be more mystery looking.

I began reading the book and I loved it right from the beginning, it was really good, the way the book was written especially. In the beginning  I knew that it was one that I would not be able to put down, I would read in the afternoon well into the early morning, one night i had ordered pizza and i took the book outside with me to read while waiting for the pizza that’s how good it was. As I was reading this book I realized that there was more to Nora Roberts then romance, there was suspense, mystery, and more.

Elizabeth is a character that has strong characteristics about herself, she is very smart, a beautiful girl that has her whole life planned out thanks to her cold and strict mother. I could never have a mother like that. I don’t want to reveal much about Elizabeth at all because who is she and who she becomes is what the book is about. All i can say is that she is someone who is young, strong, courageous, and well determined to be who is she is meant to be, not someone who her mother wants her to become. With power, will and strength she find herself but how??? that is for you to find out!!! Page by page you see what this young girl goes through to become who she ends up being.

After I finished the book 488 pages later lol I could see why Nora Roberts is New York’s #1 best selling author she is captivating, she keeps you interested and wanting more. I will definitely be reading more of her books, in fact I have a list of a few her books that I will be checking out soon. One thing I learned after reading this book is not to judge a book by its cover, just because it doesn’t look like what it should look like doesn’t mean its not good.  Read it and you will love it.